I've been trying to figure out ways to increase calories in Leo's diet.
When he was drinking whole milk, I supplemented with half/half for extra calories. Plus, it made the milk thicker, satisfying any hunger.
But since we've removed all milk and dairy, the half/half has been taken off the table.
His raw organic protein shake only carries about 115 calories, but making it with the fresh veggie juice, coconut milk and banana, increases that number.

Today I gave it a shot.
I mixed his shake as I normally do, but this time I added two yolks right after adding the juice, so the yolks would be on the blades. Couldn't have him accidentally getting a chunk of yolk in his mouth! It would have ALL been over, and it potentially turn him off the shakes completely!
I know this from experience.
He either can't taste it, or doesn't mind the taste it adds, if any, because he slammed his cup! Sucked it dry!
So, now I am wondering just how far I can go with this. I might attempt three egg yolks in a day or two.
I am at peace with this experiment because it is as if he is having eggs, oranges, carrots, kale, apples, cucumber, and assorted berries every time he eats! Plus- probiotics and an awesome protein shake that's better than any vitamin!
This is truly a MILESTONE!
Thank you for sharing!!!
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