Our Story in a nutshell

Our Story in a nutshell-
We have reached out to everyone in the field of traditional medicine for help! Gastroenterologist  wouldn't explain why our little guy doesn't eat. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) didn't explain WHY he doesn't talk or has trouble comprehending simple   instructions.

Sound familiar? He's in speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy through a special preschool program. Is it beneficial? We think so. Be he needs more. None of the above mentioned programs address his diet, which has gradually become critically limited and we are not getting answers!

A very dear friend who happens to be a homeopath encouraged us to research the relationship between Autism and the digestive and immune systems. What we've discovered is that there is a distinct link between them and it is possible to reverse any damage done to the body that plays a role in the diagnosis! No program that he is enrolled in, nor any doctor that we've seen, is addressing this!

Julie Damant of Autism Support Program  says this about the subject:

"Typically what we see as gluten and casein are removed from the diet, is improved awareness, improved eye contact and some kids reach out for hugs and affection. A minority of children begin speaking and I do want to stress that it's a minority."
"Modern research is showing a huge connection between the gut and the brain. Studies show when there are significant disturbances in the gut of a child, the brain doesn’t develop the way it should. Nearly every child on the Autistic spectrum suffers with digestive issues."

"Then there’s the fact that around 85% of the immune system is located in the gut so when there are gut disturbances the immune system is affected as well."

So we made the decision to take a different approach:  Homeopathy
If you are unfamiliar with Homeopathy, we encourage you to do your research, Here is a great resource that explains it in full!
Homeopathy Facts

 also check out our Video explaining the unique process our son is undergoing.

We have decided to maintain a video diary of  Leo's  treatment from day ONE so that everyone experiences with us any and all progress as a result of Homeopathic treatment for Autism.

We want YOU to know there are alternative options available outside the realm of traditional medicine that are SAFE AND PROVEN!
Homeopathy is just ONE of many natural approaches to treatment.

It's a leap of faith. We are optimistic and skeptical all at once! But we will do whatever it takes to get our baby boy eating and communicating. There is an anxiety that accompanies a parent who is living with a child of special needs, and it seems like no one is listening. It becomes overwhelming when we hear things like "causes are unknown". We need support from other parents who can relate to our struggles and celebrate our achievements!

Traditional medicine offers a "one size fits all" perspective when it comes to our unique children. 
A "one size fits all" approach is NOT the answer to a problem as individualized as Autism is.

We invite you to join the conversation and subscribe to our channel so we can learn from each other, build each other up, and support one another!

After registering with the homeopathy center, we were asked to provide a "Time-Line" of events for our son, Leo. Please review his "Time-Line" as his entire treatment was based on what information we provided.

We received our FIRST batch with-in just 2 days after our initial consultation.

We have special instructions from our homeopath for this first batch of remedies. On our first video, we look through the various  remedies, discuss their purposes, dosage, frequency and special precautions.
We also introduce our little Leo and his current status. We want everyone to see the changes he made!

Watch Week #1 Introducing Leo Video HERE!

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