You won't want to miss this weeks Video Diary!
The Rotavirus vaccine is administered to protect children, mostly in developing countries, against severe diarrhea. However, after becoming available in 2006, children who received the vaccine were afflicted with Intussusception, a medical condition in which a part of the intestine folds into the section next to it. It typically involves the small bowel and less commonly the large bowel. Symptoms include abdominal pain which may come and go, vomiting, abdominal bloating, and bloody stool. It often results in a small bowel obstruction.
Supposedly, they discontinued that version of the vaccine and replaced it with one that "allegedly" doesn't cause intussusception. However, it is noteworthy that children on the spectrum share dietary and gut problems in common.
Something to think about.
Because Leo has had a history with gut problems, this particular clear of the Rotavirus vaccine is of interest to us and his homeopath has pre-warned us of the reactions that might surface as result of the clear.
In our Video this week, I also share a brief video describing some troubling information pertaining to the circus ring we know as Big Pharma. Very interesting information that needs to be taken into consideration when we look to the medical community for our health care needs.
Our Featured Website this week is
Natalie, is a stay-at-home mom to Amelie age 5 and Charlie age 3
This well written blog is mostly about motherhood ramblings, helpful tips, family photos, favorites, reviews and recipes. There is a lot to this blog and I know you will appreciate the heart that is inserted in every post as much as I do!
Our Featured GoFundMe this is "Nicky's Cancer Treatment" Nicky is 8 years old and she has been battling sarcoma cancer for over a year now. She loves art, dancing, learning new things, and making new friends. Nicky is trying to stay positive after having doctors remove a very large tumor on her arm, but now a new tumor is growing very quickly. Please help Nicky fight her battle with Cancer!
The Featured Products & Services this week is "Happy Hands Toys" This amazing family who are no strangers to the special needs of autism have this great online store packed full toys and gadgets at reasonable prices! Support this amazing store!!
You'll not want to miss this weeks A Day In The Life Of Leo!
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