Week #16- Vaccine Injury

This week on our Video Diary we highlighted various accounts from all over the internet.

Our Featured Website belongs to Timothy Welsh, also known as TannersDad on Twitter. He provided many links to web locations that he is affiliated with, all voicing concerns about Vaccine Injury. Please get to know TannersDad HERE

We also brought attention to our Featured GoFundMe this week for Emily. "Emily, was vaccine injured at 14 months old and suffered an encephalopathy from her one year old booster shots.  She developed severe gastroentestinal issues shortly after, as well as blood-brain barrier/methylation difficientcy and many food intollerances that, when certain foods are  ingested, would cause severe stomach pain, inflammation, severe constipation, severe anxiety, tics/tourettes, sleeplessness, petit-mal seizures, and neuro-regressions which would result in horrific behaviors." (Excerpt from her GFM page) 

Please donate and/or spread her account all over your social media to help reach her family's goal for Emily medical bills!

Vaccine injury happens. It's not a conspiracy theory, nor is it as "uncommon" as they'd like you to believe. Children like Tanner and Emily and SO MANY MORE are suffering for the profit of big pharma corporations and it's TIME to educate and expose what's going on!
I think it's worth noting that many homeopaths have successfully reversed many of the injuries caused by vaccines. Although every individual's case is dramatically different, and in some cases the severity of the damage is unarguably beyond total repair, there are many issues that homeopathy may be able to heal and bring comfort & relief.
Worth checking into!

For our Featured Products & Services, we showcased Special KidsCompany's clothing range of functional and fun bodysuits that are designed for children with additional needs. Leo modeled a one piece for us! If your precious angel has sensory issues with material touching their skin, or restricting their movement, you NEED to check this company out! Their clothing line is amazing!

Before the Video Diary came to an end, I gave a shout out to Carmen Lovejoy and her son Liam! Liam is 3 and was diagnosed at 2.5 years old with autism. Carmen, like many of us, decided to share her journey and has her own YouTube channel! Please subscribe and show her your support!!

I am looking forward to our next Video as we have more support to bring to you all! 

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