This week, on our Video Diary, I speak a lot about taking charge over your own health.
It seems the news, at this moment in the U.S.A., is consumed by the health care situation, and as controversial as it has become, they are really using it to further divide us citizens.
Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are enslaving Americans and even though some know this to be fact, most are just going with the flow and accept being lead like sheep to the slaughter house.
It's not entirely their fault, though. We are conditioned that those two entities know what's best for us, want what's best for us and promise to provide the best possible care for our physical and even mental health.
However, they fail as often as they succeed, yet, we still shell out the money one way or another, without questioning their methods or motives.
It's time to stop following the blind and open our own eyes ourselves.
There's nothing magical about what they know. It's not as if only doctors and pharmacist possess a special extra brain cell that allows them to understand something we don't.
Our bodies are the product of grand design. We were created in such a way that we, ourselves, are our best doctor.
It just takes researching the natural elements around us, striving to understand WHY and HOW the individual processes in our bodies function, and the best way to assist our bodies to naturally heal themselves.
Please take the time to asses your own physical and mental well-being, and free yourself from the yoke of this pharma-enslavement by educating yourself.
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