Recently, I decided to add asparagus to Leo's Super Veggie Juice.
Here's what I've learned..
What you should know about asparagus is it is a nutrient-dense food that is high in folic acid and is also a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and vitamin C, and thiamine. Extensive research into asparagus nutrition has resulted in this funny-looking vegetable being ranked among the top fruits and vegetables for its ability to reduce the effect of cell-damaging free radicals.

The one thing that influenced my decision to add it to Leo's juice was contains significant amounts of the nutrient inulin, which does not break down in our digestive tract. Instead, it passes undigested to our large intestines, where it becomes a food source for good and healthy bacteria. Good bacteria are responsible for better nutrient absorption, which is important for gut function.
Here is a great link that goes into further detail about Asparagus!
Now, there's one more thing you should know about asparagus...
It cleaned Leo out! For two days, we changed 5 stinky diapers a day!
Yes. Leo had a negative reaction.
So I recommend that if you have a child with food sensitivities and/or allergies, you'll want to add asparagus slowly and in small quantities.
I am now just adding one stalk (I started between 6 & 8!) until I see he can handle it, then will slowly add another as time goes on.
Hope you found this info helpful! Be sure to check often for more Diet Diary Updates!
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