As stated in another post, Leo attends a special preschool program that concentrates on special needs children. He attends 4 days a week, for 3 hours a day.
We had our first parent-teacher conference this last week, and we were able to see his classroom and discuss things openly with his "staff". His speech therapist expressed his progress, eagerly, stating that he is repeating pretty much everything she asks him to repeat.
His occupational therapist really assured us that we were on the right track with the diet change, and she seemed to be completely on board with removing the Pediasure shakes!
I did not expect that.
We discussed specific strategies of approaching ways of introducing any new foods. Everyday, I send a lunchbox with something he will eat, like donuts, cookies..etc.. and I send something I know he wont eat, like carrots, gluten free brownie..etc. The idea is that he 1st plays and interacts with the "new" food before he receives the "familiar" food.
Sounds like it would work, right?
So far, he has yet to try anything. However, his teacher tells me that they play a "kissing" game with the food. He touches it to his lips and that's all that is asked of him. One thing that this has worked with was little Halo Oranges.
I am on a mission now!
The NEXT new food he tries, will be those oranges!! It's not something I will have to remove from his diet if he likes them!
I am now executing- Operation Little Oranges!!
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