Week #15- Getting More Organized

As more video's are uploaded and shared on our Video Diary, more subscribers are beginning to follow our journey, and it is becoming clear to me that I owe it YOU all to be more organized in my content and delivery.

So I am going to be making some adjustments to the videos.

Each week, I begin with an update on Leo's progress, even when there's nothing to really update. This won't change. 

I am, however, going to select a new blog to feature, as I have done before, but will be endeavoring to give better details of each one, so the writer receives full recognition of their efforts! 

I will also feature a new GoFundMe site each week, taking time to highlight their individual stories and needs.

And of course, I will feature a new product and/or service that pertains to any and all special needs children. This is free advertisement for those specific companies and/or individuals but surely benefit us all.

As with several of our videos, a variety of topics have been covered, some in great detail, others not so much. I want to start focusing on everything from nutrition and diet, to behaviors and research, as well as holistic perspectives and treatments. Each week a new topic, hopefully one that we can all learn from!

Going along with that, I would like to add a segment once a month with a phone interview with Martha, our friendly neighborhood homeopath, or other parents who want to share their stories! I believe this helps our channel to be unique!

I am also going to include a short segment at the end of each video titled "A Day In The Life Of Leo" The reason? Because everything I am doing is for HIM! The only way you will be able to see with your own eyes how he progresses, will be to see him each week, whether he is swimming, chasing the dog, or just spinning something. The segment itself will only be about 5 mins.

I am always open to suggestions if you have any ideas!! 
I want our channel to grow as a support forum as well as an information center!

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